Buy one Oil Painting and Get One Free!

Simply purchase any oil painting displayed on our website and receive an additional oil painting of your choice of equal or lesser value for free. You only pay for the higher priced oil painting of the two paintings.

Important Note: You may purchase as many oil paintings as you wish and still receive a free painting for each painting paid for.

Your free oil painting can be selected from any of the thousands of paintings we offer in any size you desire. Every oil painting you order, including the free painting, is backed by our exclusive 45 day money-back guarantee assuring your complete satisfaction. All of our oil paintings are always 100% hand-painted on canvas by our skilled artists and are of the finest museum quality.

  • Select your FREE painting from our huge online gallery (equal or lesser value).
  • 45 Day - Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases.
  • Applicable for online and phone orders.
  • No quantity limits for this promotion.
  • All paintings are 100% hand-painted on canvas by professional artists.

We are here to help! If you are having any problems placing your order online or you wish to complete your order by telephone, please call and speak to one of our friendly art consultants. USA & Canada: 877-404-5022 International: +1- 561-314-3503

This offer cannot be applied to previous or pending orders and may not be combined with any other offers and discounts. This offer is not applicable to the purchase of gift certificates, frames, framing services, custom orders or photos to paintings. Oil Paintings USA reserves the right to cancel any order due to unauthorized or ineligible use of this offer. The free oil painting(s) will be the lowest priced oil painting(s) in your order.