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Photos to Paintings

Commission a museum quality hand-painted oil painting from your family photo!

STEP 1: Choose Horizontal or Vertical Orientation More infoLess info
Please specify whether you would like your oil painting in a horizontal or vertical orientation.
STEP 2: Select Painting Size
Note: To order a custom size, click here. Our artists will paint to any size you require
STEP 3: Select Number of Figures in Your PhotoMore infoLess info
Please select the number of figures in your photo. Each person or pet/animal in a photo would be counted as one figure. Houses, cars, boats and travel scenery would each count as one figure.
Please Note: If you wish to order your portrait oil painting in a custom size not listed above or with more than 5 figures, please click here. Size is never a problem, as our artists can paint to ANY size you desire!

Step 4: Specify any Additional Instructions More infoLess info

Here is where you can convey any special requests to the artist, such as removing certain aspects in the photo or specific color and background preferences.

Step 5: Upload Your Photo More infoLess info

The most convenient method in sending us your photo is to upload the photo from a picture file on your computer. You can easily upload a scanned or digital photo stored on your computer by simply clicking on the “Choose File” button shown below and finding the file on your computer that contains your photo. Double click on the file name for your photo and then the photo name will be displayed.

You may also send us your photo(s) by simply attaching your photo(s) to an E-mail and sending it to: [email protected]. Please include your full name and telephone number in the E-mail. We will promptly contact you if we have any questions regarding your custom oil painting.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our artists can combine 2 or more photos into one oil painting. If you need to e-mail us more than one photo, please include a detailed explanation of what elements in each photo you would like the artist to include in the actual oil painting.

It is very important that the photo you choose to send us is a high resolution detailed photo, generally larger than 200KB. The quality of your photo can make the difference between a good portrait and an absolutely great portrait. A high quality photo is vital so the artist can capture all the details in the oil painting.

Copyright: You must be the sole owner of the copyright or have permission of the copyright owner to create an oil painting from the photo you have uploaded. Please read the Photograph Release section of our Terms of Use agreement for more information.

Step 6: Choose a Frame (72 styles)
Art Price
Frame Price
Oil Painting Reproduction Description

Commission a magnificent hand-painted oil painting from your family photo

Everyone has that memorable family photo that is near and dear to their heart. Now you have the unique opportunity to commission one of our skilled artists to hand-paint a genuine oil painting on canvas from one of your most cherished photos at truly wholesale prices. Imagine owning a masterpiece oil painting commemorating an important lifetime event, such as a marriage, birth of a child, graduation, or that special anniversary. Our master artists will create a magnificent oil painting from a wide range of photos, including family portraits, pet portraits, travel scenery, houses, boats, and cars. We can even have our artists work with two or more photos and merge them together into one oil painting that will sure to become a treasured family heirloom.

Every custom oil painting we sell is guaranteed to be entirely hand-painted on canvas. Please be assured that our oil paintings are NEVER computer or machine generated. Each oil painting is meticulously painted one brushstroke at a time by a highly skilled artist, starting with a blank canvas and ending with a true masterpiece. Our ultimate goal is your 100% satisfaction!

IMPORTANT NOTE: We will e-mail you a photo proof of your finished oil painting for your approval prior to shipment. At that time, our artists will make any changes you wish to the oil painting at no extra charge. We promise that you will absolutely love your completed hand-painted oil painting!

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